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Kashic essence refers to the idea that every soul has a unique energy that is stored in the Akashic Records, a cosmic library of all human experiences and possibilities. At A Place for All Types of Subjects and Blogging,  I believe in exploring this essence through various topics and discussions, from spirituality to science and everything in between. Go on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.


In the grand theater of life, two forces often take center stage: willpower and destiny. They are like two cosmic dancers, swirling and twirling, each trying to lead the other. But how do these two forces interact? Are they adversaries or allies in our journey through life? Let us delve into this fascinating interplay. 

Willpower: The Inner Force

Willpower is our inner strength, the driving force that propels us forward. It is the grit and determination that pushes us to climb mountains, both literal and metaphorical. Willpower is the fuel for our ambitions, the wind beneath the wings of our dreams. 

Destiny: The Cosmic Script 

On the other hand, destiny is often viewed as the cosmic script written in the stars. It is the grand design, the divine plan, the predetermined path. Destiny is the river of life, guiding us along its twists and turns, sometimes gently, sometimes tumultuously. 

The Interplay 

So, how do willpower and destiny interact? Are we mere puppets in the grand cosmic play, or do we have the power to change our destiny? 

The answer lies in understanding that willpower and destiny are not mutually exclusive. They are two sides of the same coin. Our destiny sets the stage, provides the backdrop against which our willpower can shine. 

Will The Power of  

Our willpower gives us the ability to navigate the river of destiny. It is like the rudder of a ship, helping us steer our course. We may not control the river, but we can control how we navigate it. Our willpower can help us face challenges, overcome obstacles, and turn trials into triumphs. 

Destiny as a Guide 

Destiny, on the other hand, provides us with a sense of purpose. It is like a compass, guiding us towards our true north. Our destiny can help us find meaning in our journey, understand our experiences, and see the bigger picture. 


In conclusion, willpower and destiny are partners in the dance of life. They are intertwined in a cosmic dance, each influencing the other. Our willpower can shape our destiny, and our destiny can guide our willpower. So, let us embrace both, and dance to the rhythm of life. 

Remember, the stars may provide the map, but we hold the compass. And with willpower in our hearts and destiny as our guide, we can navigate the cosmic dance of life with grace, courage, and wisdom. 


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Life is a series of tasks, some of which we complete with ease, while others remain unfinished, like an incomplete sentence waiting for its full stop. This blog post is about the journey of completing the incomplete, a journey towards wholeness and fulfillment. 

The Incomplete Picture 

We all have areas in our lives that feel incomplete. It could be a project left unfinished, a relationship that needs mending, or personal goals that we’ve set aside. These incomplete aspects can weigh us down, creating a sense of unease and dissatisfaction. 

The Power of Completion 

Completing the incomplete is not just about finishing tasks. It’s about achieving a sense of accomplishment and closure. When we complete something, we free up the mental space it occupied, allowing us to focus on new tasks and challenges. Completion brings a sense of relief, satisfaction, and often, personal growth. 

Steps Towards Completion 

  1. Identify the Incomplete: The first step is to identify what feels incomplete in your life. It could be anything from a half-read book to a long-term career goal. 

  1. Understand Why It’s Incomplete: Understanding why something remains incomplete can provide valuable insights. Did you lose interest? Did you encounter obstacles? Reflecting on these questions can help you address the root cause. 

  1. Create a Plan: Once you’ve identified and understood your incomplete tasks, create a plan to tackle them. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts. 

  1. Take Action: The most crucial step is to take action. Start working on your plan, one step at a time. Remember, progress, no matter how small, is still progress. 

  1. Celebrate Your Achievements: Celebrate each completed task, no matter how small. This will boost your motivation and make the process enjoyable. 

Embracing the Incomplete 

While it’s important to strive for completion, it’s equally important to understand that not everything needs to be completed. Some things are left incomplete for a reason. They may no longer serve us, or they may have been steppingstones to something else. It’s okay to let go of what no longer serves you. 


Completing the incomplete is a journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. It’s about closing chapters and opening new ones. So, take a moment to reflect on what’s incomplete in your life and take that first step towards completion. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 


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When it comes to the zodiac, Virgo and Sagittarius are often seen as an unlikely pair. Yet, despite their differences, they can form a bond that is both enriching and enduring. Here’s why these two signs make great friends but may struggle as lovers.

Complementary Differences

Virgo, an Earth sign, is known for their practicality, attention to detail, and a methodical approach to life. Sagittarius, a Fire sign, is adventurous, optimistic, and always on the hunt for knowledge and new experiences. As friends, these contrasting qualities can complement each other wonderfully. Virgo can offer grounded advice to Sagittarius’ grand plans, while Sagittarius can encourage Virgo to step out of their comfort zone and embrace spontaneity.

Intellectual Stimulation

Both signs are intellectually driven, with Virgo ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and Sagittarius by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and exploration. Their conversations are likely to be stimulating and full of depth, covering everything from the minutiae of daily life to philosophical debates about the universe. This mental connection is a strong foundation for a lasting friendship.

Challenges in Romance

However, when it comes to love, their elemental differences can pose challenges. Virgo’s cautious nature may clash with Sagittarius’ impulsive spirit. Virgo seeks stability and routine, while Sagittarius craves freedom and change. In a romantic relationship, these needs can lead to misunderstandings and a feeling of being trapped or stifled.

Trust and Freedom

Trust is another area where these signs may struggle romantically. Virgo’s need for security and Sagittarius’ desire for independence can create a dynamic where neither feels entirely comfortable or understood. As friends, they can respect each other’s boundaries and need for space, but as lovers, these issues can become more pronounced.


In essence, Virgo and Sagittarius have the potential to be great friends because they can appreciate and learn from their differences without the pressure of romantic expectations. Their friendship is one where growth, learning, and mutual respect can thrive, making them a dynamic duo in the zodiac friendship circle.

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My name is Kasheena. I made this blog to pretty much tell my story, and have a place where others can express themselves freely without judgement 











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