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Kashic essence refers to the idea that every soul has a unique energy that is stored in the Akashic Records, a cosmic library of all human experiences and possibilities. At A Place for All Types of Subjects and Blogging,  I believe in exploring this essence through various topics and discussions, from spirituality to science and everything in between. Go on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

yranny of the Clock
Time: A Tapestry of Moments

Time is an enigma, wrapped in the fabric of our existence. It's the silent observer of our lives, the one constant in an ever-changing universe. But is time always of the essence? Is it the ultimate currency
,Deadlines, appointments, schedules – they dictate the pace of our days. We rush from one task to another, often without pausing to question the purpose behind our haste. "Time is money," they say, and so we spend it, invest it, waste it, as if it were a tangible commodity.

The Illusion of Control

We like to think we have control over time – that we can manage it, save it, or even kill it. But time is indifferent to our attempts to dominate it. It flows on, relentless and unyielding. Our obsession with efficiency often leads us to forget that some of the most precious moments in life cannot be rushed or scheduled.

The Moments In-Between

It's in the quiet moments, the ones that we often overlook, that we find the true essence of life. A shared smile, a spontaneous conversation, the gentle touch of a loved one – these experiences don't bow to the tyranny of the clock. They exist outside the realm of hours and minutes, in a place where time is not a master but a gentle companion.

Embracing the Now

Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate our relationship with time. Instead of viewing it as an adversary, we can see it as a canvas, upon which we paint the story of our lives. By embracing the present, we free ourselves from the shackles of the past and the anxiety of the future. We allow ourselves to live fully, deeply, authentically.


Time isn't always of the essence. It's not the be-all and end-all of our existence. What matters most are the connections we make, the love we share, and the joy we find in the simple act of living. So let's take a breath, slow down, and appreciate the tapestry of moments that make up our lives.

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The concept of truth has been a subject of discussion and debate for centuries. Philosophers, scientists, and thinkers from various fields have attempted to define what truth is and how we perceive it. This blog aims to delve into the theory of truth, exploring its various facets and interpretations.

Defining Truth

Truth, in its simplest form, is often defined as the state or quality of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is a concept that represents consistency with a certain set of beliefs, facts, or propositions that are accepted as accurate. However, the complexity arises when we realize that what may be a fact for one person might not be the same for another.

Theories of Truth

There are several theories that attempt to explain the nature of truth:

  1. Correspondence Theory: This is perhaps the most common and straightforward view of truth. It suggests that a statement is true if it corresponds to a fact or reality. For instance, the statement “the sky is blue” is true if indeed the sky is blue.

  2. Coherence Theory: This theory posits that truth is a property of a related group of consistent statements, irrespective of their relationship to the external world. In other words, a belief is true if it is logically consistent within a larger system of beliefs.

  3. Pragmatic Theory: According to this theory, truth is verified and confirmed by the practical outcome of an idea or proposition. If it works and yields satisfactory results, then it is considered true.

  4. Constructivist Theory: This theory suggests that truth is constructed by social processes and is shaped through cultural and social norms.

The Subjectivity of Truth

While these theories provide a framework for understanding truth, they also highlight the subjectivity of truth. What is considered true can vary greatly depending on one’s perspective, cultural background, personal beliefs, and experiences. This subjectivity of truth is often seen in areas such as morality, religion, and ethics.


The pursuit of truth is a complex and challenging endeavor. It requires us to question our assumptions, examine our beliefs, and be open to different perspectives. While the concept of truth may seem elusive and subjective, it is this very complexity that makes the journey towards understanding truth a fascinating and rewarding experience.

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The Death Tarot card is one of the most iconic and misunderstood cards in the Tarot deck. Despite its ominous name, the Death card rarely signifies actual physical death. Instead, it represents profound change, transformation, and transition. It’s a symbol of closing one chapter and beginning another, urging us to let go of the past to make way for new opportunities.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright): In a general context, the Death card suggests that you are on the brink of a significant transformation. This change may be unexpected or even unwelcome at first, but it’s essential for growth. The card encourages embracing the new and releasing old patterns, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve your highest good. It’s a call to move forward, even if the path ahead is unknown.

Love & Relationships: In love readings, the Death card can indicate the end of a particular phase in a relationship. For couples, it might mean that it’s time to let go of old grievances and start anew, or in some cases, it might suggest that the relationship itself has run its course. For singles, it signifies shedding outdated notions of love to welcome a new romance that aligns with who you’ve become.

Money & Career: In a career context, the Death card warns against clinging to a job or financial situation that is no longer beneficial. It’s a nudge to seek new opportunities that reflect your true passions and skills. Financially, it’s a reminder that change is inevitable, and adaptability is key to stability.

Health & Spirituality: The Death card can also relate to health, signaling the end of unhealthy habits and the beginning of a healthier lifestyle. Spiritually, it represents a profound inner transformation, urging you to explore new spiritual paths or philosophies.

Embracing Change: The imagery of the Death card often features a skeleton, representing the part of us that remains after everything else has fallen away. It’s a powerful reminder that, at our core, we are resilient and capable of withstanding life’s transitions. The Death card invites us to find beauty in endings because they make way for new beginnings.

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My name is Kasheena. I made this blog to pretty much tell my story, and have a place where others can express themselves freely without judgement 











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